D i a n a  D u r r a n d
contemporary mixed media artist

Paper Doll Portraits

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Surfacing - paper doll
Surfacing - paper doll
When Timing is everything - Paper Doll Portrait #11
When Timing is everything - Paper Doll Portrait #11
Gathering of Women Exhibition
Gathering of Women Exhibition
Paper Dolls #44 The Iris Sisters were not always on the same page.
Paper Dolls #44 The Iris Sisters were not always on the same page.
Yes, I'm asking you to dance.
Yes, I'm asking you to dance.
Together, we'll roar through the night.
Together, we'll roar through the night.
Paper Doll #47 She clocked out at exactly 5pm and in seconds she was flying over the Serengeti.
Paper Doll #47 She clocked out at exactly 5pm and in seconds she was flying over the Serengeti.
Paperdoll Portrait - #5 The Bird Watcher
Paperdoll Portrait - #5 The Bird Watcher
Paperdoll Portrait - #45
Paperdoll Portrait - #45
Paper Doll Portrait #42 -
Paper Doll Portrait #42 -
Paperdoll Portrait - #34
Paperdoll Portrait - #34
Paperdoll Portrait #19 - Sea drifting with the fish
Paperdoll Portrait #19 - Sea drifting with the fish
Paperdoll Portrait #35 - Watching the leaves fall and the spaces left behind.
Paperdoll Portrait #35 - Watching the leaves fall and the spaces left behind.
Choosing to remain in flight - Paper Doll Portrait #21
Choosing to remain in flight - Paper Doll Portrait #21
Pondering a delicious memory
Pondering a delicious memory
Paper Doll Portrait #8
Paper Doll Portrait #8
Paper Doll Portrait #41
Paper Doll Portrait #41
Paper Doll #40
Paper Doll #40
Portrait #39
Portrait #39
Paper Doll Portrait #38
Paper Doll Portrait #38
Paper Doll Portrait #37
Paper Doll Portrait #37
Portrait #7
Portrait #7
Portrait #27
Portrait #27
Portrait #22
Portrait #22
Portrait #28
Portrait #28
Paper Doll Portrait Artist Statement
Paper Doll Portrait Artist Statement
Winter Small Works Show
Winter Small Works Show
Paper Doll Portrait #33 - When simply breathing is more than enough
Paper Doll Portrait #33 - When simply breathing is more than enough
Paper Doll Portrait #32
Paper Doll Portrait #32
Paper Doll Portrait #31
Paper Doll Portrait #31
Paper Doll Portrait #30
Paper Doll Portrait #30
Paper Doll Portrait #26
Paper Doll Portrait #26
Paper Doll Portrait #24
Paper Doll Portrait #24
Paper Doll #23 We had an understanding that I would always love him more than he loved me.
Paper Doll #23 We had an understanding that I would always love him more than he loved me.
Paper Doll Portrait #20
Paper Doll Portrait #20
Women in conversation
Women in conversation
Paper doll Portrait #18 - Women in Conversation
Paper doll Portrait #18 - Women in Conversation
Paper doll Portrait #18 -  Women in Conversation
Paper doll Portrait #18 - Women in Conversation
Portrait #17
Portrait #17
Paper doll #16- Courageously stepping out with heart on sleeve.
Paper doll #16- Courageously stepping out with heart on sleeve.
Paper doll Portrait #15
Paper doll Portrait #15
Portrait #14
Portrait #14
Paper Doll Portrait #13
Paper Doll Portrait #13
Paper Doll Portrait #12
Paper Doll Portrait #12
Paper Doll Portrait #10
Paper Doll Portrait #10
3 AM - Paper Doll #4
3 AM - Paper Doll #4
Paper Doll Portrait #6
Paper Doll Portrait #6
Listening to the sublime
Listening to the sublime
Walking with the Forest - Paper Doll #2
Walking with the Forest - Paper Doll #2
Waiting for the Roses - Paper Doll #1
Waiting for the Roses - Paper Doll #1